2007年1月30日 星期二


    這是一個非常好玩的問題! 不少人害怕在商業社會出位,因為當你與眾不同的時候,這個社會的文化使然,會有很多人潑你冷水。但你有沒有想過,如果你換個角度來看,你不是搏出位,而是運用你的魅力,爭取出人頭地,你不就更容易走向成功嗎?

    This is a funny question. some people are afraid to stand in the spotlight of commercial society. By the culture which we are living in,whenever you are famous or outstanding, there always could be someone who throws cold water on you. however, have you ever thought of this before? Instead of using techniques but your own personal charm to get the success.if you change an attitude towards the whole situation, things could be different.

