2007年1月30日 星期二


    這是一個非常好玩的問題! 不少人害怕在商業社會出位,因為當你與眾不同的時候,這個社會的文化使然,會有很多人潑你冷水。但你有沒有想過,如果你換個角度來看,你不是搏出位,而是運用你的魅力,爭取出人頭地,你不就更容易走向成功嗎?

    This is a funny question. some people are afraid to stand in the spotlight of commercial society. By the culture which we are living in,whenever you are famous or outstanding, there always could be someone who throws cold water on you. however, have you ever thought of this before? Instead of using techniques but your own personal charm to get the success.if you change an attitude towards the whole situation, things could be different.



    To cope with those colleagues who don't trust you, you need to enhance your sociality maturity. Maybe your sociality maturity was not good enought to convince your colleagues. You need to prepare to improve your sociality maturity. Establishing good interaction with your colleagues and a supportive group. Meanwhile, in order to avoid the chaos, you need to do the preparations. Making sure your colleagues understand you, you are in need of their help,and you would help them in return. Then your colleagues will support you very much. All they want is respect. If you can respect them and help them, you would consolidate your position.

2007年1月29日 星期一


    如果你希望升職後仍然神態自若,而且更有信心,那麼你在升職前就要預先想好升職後會怎樣。其實,每個出來社會工作的人,都應該預先規劃好自己的事業, 比如說,你的事業會有五個階梯,那麼當你在第一階梯的時候,你就要有第二個階梯的意識形態,你一早就預設好你會上第二個階梯並做好準備,那麼你會有上第二個階梯的機會。當你上了一個階梯,你就要多留意這個階梯和上一個階梯的人是怎麼想的,怎麼做的。你或需要模仿他們說話的語調和做事的方式,你有像這個階梯的人該有的樣子,你就能更快的適應這個階梯。

    If you want to consolidate your position and enjoy your it after  the promotion, you should think over the preparations need to be done before the promotion. Actually, we all have to design our career plan. For example, if your career totally have five steps, then you need to form the second step when you are on the first step. It could be more quickly when you form the next step when you are the still on the current step. After the promotion, you need to notice what other people do and follow their mirits.  You should do things according to your position, then you can get used to your position.